Unlock Your Career Potential: The Nonverbal Advantage

Duration 59 m 15 s


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Unlock Your Career Potential: The Nonverbal Advantage

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About Course

CPAHub North proudly presents this episode on Unlock Your Career Potential: The Nonverbal Advantage.

Bringing a unique level of experience and scientific validation to her work, Dr. Abbie Maroño is both a scientist and a practitioner in the field of human behavior. The United States Department of State has recognized her international acclaim and record of extraordinary achievements, placing her in the top 1% of her field.
Underscoring her recognized expertise, Dr. Abbie has been invited to provide specialized behavior analysis training for elite units such as the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. This prestigious group includes agents from the US Secret Service, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and local law enforcement agencies.

Having completed her PhD in Psychology, Dr. Abbie became a Professor of Psychology by the age of 23. She is now the Director of Education at Social-Engineer, LLC, and specializes in behavior analysis. A regular contributor to Forbes and Apple News, Abbie has also been featured in WIRED and Forbes Breaking News.

She is an active member of several internationally recognized research groups and was awarded Reviewer of the Year in 2020 for her significant contribution to the academic community. Additionally, she is an author, expert consultant, coach, and a TEDx speaker.

Source: https://www.abbiemarono.com/

Episode Layout:

1. Introduction

2. Body Language and its Impact
• What is nonverbal communication?
• How does body language influence communication in various contexts?
• What role does body language play in building trust? Positive versus Negative intents.
• Can mastering body language enhance professional relationships?

3. Establishing trust and comfort
• Why as humans are we so wired to look out for Trust? What nonverbal cues do we as professionals look out for?
• How do we gain the trust of individuals? How do we maintain that level of trust long-term?
• Short-term tactics and why they are not effective long term? Such as corporate power moves (taking up more space, firm handshakes etc).

4. Nonverbal mimicry
• What is nonverbal mimicry and from your research what is the significance for working professionals?
• How does mimicry affect the emotional states in others?
• What strategies can individuals employ to improve their ability to better communicate with mimicry? How can we avoid mockery?

5. Recognizing discomfort during interactions
• How can we practice to get comfortable in these situations and how to navigate them effectively?

6. Voice Tonality and Inflection
• How does voice tone impact the meaning and reception of verbal messages?
• How do individuals adapt their voice tone in various communication settings, such as presentations and or negotiations?
• What techniques can help individuals develop better control over their voice tone for effective communication?

Course content

videoIntro to Podcast17 s Start
videoListen to Unlock Your Career Potential: The Nonverbal Advantage58 m 58 s Start

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