Tax Strategies for the Affluent: A CPA's Tax Planning Guide

Duration 53 m 24 s


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Tax Strategies for the Affluent: A CPA's Tax Planning Guide

About Course

About Course

CPAHub North proudly presents the episode on Tax Strategies for the Affluent: A CPA's Tax Planning Guide.

Dora has an extensive range of experience in both Canadian and international tax matters. Her advisory in tax matters includes corporate reorganizations, purchase and sale of a business, advising foreign corporations on appropriate tax structure for their Canadian operations, tax planning for Canadian immigrants and emigrants, presenting voluntary disclosures to the Canada Revenue Agency, personal tax planning and estate planning. Her client specialty primarily includes high-net-worth individuals and private corporations.

As an expert in her field, Dora has presented at various tax seminars and conferences throughout North America. She is currently a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, Canadian Tax Foundation, International Fiscal Association, Society of Tax and Estate Practitioners and the Financial Planning Standards Council.


Episode Layout:
• Estate Planning
• Trusts
• Tax Planning

Course content

videoIntro to Podcast17 s Start
videoListen to Tax Strategies for the Affluent: A CPA's Tax Planning Guide53 m 7 s Start

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CPAHub North

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