Concepts of Budgeting and Forecasting

Duration 1 h 39 m 46 s


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Concepts of Budgeting and Forecasting

About Course


CPAHub North proudly presents this technical course on Concepts of Budgeting and Forecasting

Curious about how budgeting and forecasting work for revenue and expenses? 

We recently hosted an in-depth live workshop on this very topic. Now, we're excited to offer a course created from those recorded sessions. This course provides you with key insights into the principles of budgeting and forecasting. 

Please note, this isn't an Excel tutorial or a hands-on budget creation class. Instead, we'll dive into understanding the core concepts behind predicting revenues and expenses effectively.


Episode Layout:

Discussion 1: How to make Operational & Financial Budget and Forecast your Business 

Discussion 2: Why Budgeting & Forecasting

Discussion 3: Operational and Financial Budget 

Discussion 4: Process of Budgeting (Suggestive only) 

Discussion 5: Revenue Budgeting - Basis 

Discussion 6: Estimating Grand P&L and Setting Up Budget Limits 

Discussion 7: Cost / Expense Budget 

Discussion 8: Capital Expenditure Budget


Course content

videoDiscussion 1: How to make Operational & Financial Budget and Forecast your Business7 m 57 s Start
videoDiscussion 2: Why Budgeting & Forecasting12 m 59 s Start
videoDiscussion 3: Operational and Financial Budget14 m 32 s Start
videoDiscussion 4: Process of Budgeting (Suggestive only)22 m 32 s Start
videoDiscussion 5: Revenue Budgesting - Basis13 m 29 s Start
videoDiscussion 6: Estimating Grand P&L and Setting Up Budget Limits3 m 46 s Start
videoDiscussion 7: Cost/Expense Budget12 m 34 s Start
videoDiscussion 8: Capital Expenditure Budget11 m 57 s Start

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Concepts of Budgeting and Forecasting

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CPAHub North

CPAHub North

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