Accounting Horizons: Navigating Macro Trends


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Accounting Horizons: Navigating Macro Trends

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About Course

CPAHub North proudly presents this episode on Accounting Horizons: Navigating Macro Trends!

Sandra Wiley, President of Boomer Consulting, Inc., has been lauded for her industry expertise in human resources and training. She is often called the “go-to person” for solutions to the profession’s staffing crisis, citing her wise advice on hiring – and keeping – employees for the rest of their careers.

Sandra developed the P3 Leadership Academy and hosts regional training sessions throughout the country. She is also a founding member of The CPA Consultant’s Alliance and a certified KolbeTM trainer, advising firms on building balanced teams, managing employee conflict and hiring staff.

Sandra’s role at Boomer Consulting, Inc. includes serving as co-director of the P3 Leadership Academy as well as the Boomer Managing Partner CircleTM, the Boomer HR Circle and the Boomer Nextgen Leader Circle. Her years of experience and influence as a management and strategic planning consultant make her a sought-after resource among the best and brightest firms in the country.

Sandra’s work in the accounting profession hasn’t gone unnoticed, and she has received a variety of awards and honors. Those include 2009-2016 Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting, 2012-2014 CPA Practice Advisor Top 25 Thought Leader, 2012-2016 CPA Practice Advisor Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Accounting and 2012 Leading Edge Alliance on the Edge Innovation Award.


Episode Layout:

• Discussion 1: The Impact of AI - Automation and Efficiency
How is AI automating routine tasks in public accounting?
What efficiencies are gained through AI implementation in accounting processes?
What are the implications for talent on firms?

• Discussion 2: Transformation in the Accounting Profession- How to utilize continuous learning.

• Discussion 3Cultural Evolution - How business models need to be more human-centric - The advantages for firms.

• Discussion 4:Capacity- What are some capacity limits we see firms hitting, and how has capacity changed over the years? What can firms do to free up capacity?

• Discussion 5: Innovation - Why is innovation important, who should be innovating, and how to foster innovation at the firm?

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